
invisible killer

Chronic brain insufficiency in the elderly "invisible killer"

Old friends if dizziness, headache, insomnia, memory loss, and lasted for more than 2 months. To consider the possibility of cerebral insufficiency, do not ignore or delay, identify the reasons for timely treatment, so as to avoid greater damage. Do not blindly advertise or a variety of health talks, and do not eat someone else's medicine to eat casually - the cause of each person may be different, improper use but lead to adverse consequences. There are high blood pressure, diabetes and other basic diseases of middle-aged friends, remember to follow the doctor's advice, timely follow-up review. Do not stop or change yourself.

Do you drink beer?

As we all know, the kidney is one of the important organs of the human body, if the body's kidney does not exist, then the body itself will often appear to sweat sweat and can not work in a series of conditions, so the protection of the kidney is an incumbent responsibility, and As the amount of beer will be the amount of drinking on the promotion of human health, the impact of many people have the habit of drinking beer, then, drink beer will hurt the kidney?

Do you drink beer?

For many people who like to drink, the beer will cause kidney damage is also very curious, in order to help you solve this problem, this article specifically for everyone to drink beer is the problem of kidney injury for everyone to do A detailed answer.

Kidney is not good, internal organs are sick

Heart and liver spleen and lungs and kidney, although the kidney row in the five internal organs finally, but its role is the most important. If the kidney is likened to a boiler, the cinder (metabolite) produced after the body burns must be discharged through the boiler. Once the boiler problems, waste does not go out, not only will damage the boiler, the entire system will collapse.

Kidney has three major functions, one is to generate urine, to maintain the balance of water. The body of each kidney about 1.3 million glomeruli, every day to filter and clean 200 liters of blood, the equivalent of 10 barrels of drinking water, the formation of urine about 1.8 liters. When the body of water too much or too little, by the kidneys to regulate the amount of urine to maintain the body water balance. Second, the excretion of human metabolites and toxic substances. Human metabolism can produce metabolic waste, such as urea, uric acid, creatinine, etc., the kidneys through the waste from the urine, in order to maintain normal physiological activity. Third, endocrine function. Such as the secretion of erythropoietin (EPO) to promote bone marrow hematopoietic activity of vitamin D regulation of calcium and phosphorus metabolism, to maintain the normal structure of bone and functional secretion of vasoactive substances regulate blood pressure and so on.

It is because the kidney has these three functions, so the kidney a problem, other parts of the body will be a problem. Early nephropathy mostly fatigue, fatigue, eyelid edema, pale face, a large number of urine foam, urination pain or difficulties. The next will produce loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, lower back pain, increased body fat, If serious, the above symptoms continue to increase, and will lead to heart, liver, lung and other organ failure.

Kidney disease is a silent killer

The latest epidemiological survey shows that chronic kidney disease has become a threat to the world's public health, one of the major diseases, the prevalence rate is even higher than some common cancer.

Compared with other major diseases that endanger human health, chronic kidney disease can be said to be a silent killer. Chronic kidney disease, including nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, renal failure, uremia and so on. These diseases were very concealed, there was no obvious symptoms of onset, not easy to cause patients to pay attention, so many patients began to seek medical treatment when the end of the kidney disease has been developed, and even uremia. Uremic patients average annual medical expenses more than 100,000 yuan, so many families due to disease caused by poverty, due to illness back to poverty. And to avoid the best way is to properly protect their own kidney.

Four life the most wounded kidney

Eat seafood and drink beer. Eat a lot of high protein diet, such as big fish and other meat, will produce too much uric acid and urea nitrogen and other metabolic wastes, increase the burden of renal excretion. And a large number of drinking easily lead to hyperuricemia, these habits can also cause high blood lipids and other metabolic diseases, causing kidney disease. Summer to a lot of people like to eat seafood while eating beer, this way was the kidney doctor called the most hurt the kidney to eat.

Stay up all night, eat salty, do not drink water. Long stay up all night, work pressure, love to drink tea and coffee, it is prone to renal function problems. And eating habits salty, will lead to increased blood pressure, kidney blood can not maintain normal flow, and thus induce kidney disease. If you do not drink water for a long time, urine output will be reduced, the urine to carry the concentration of waste and toxins will increase, easily lead to kidney stones, hydronephrosis and so on.

Drug abuse, medication too much. Long-term use of nephrotoxic drugs easily lead to tubulointerstitial damage. These drugs include aristolochic acid composition of Chinese herbal medicine, such as Guanmutong, Guangzhe, Aoki, etc., as well as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, such as pain tablets, paracetamol, etc., easily lead to kidney damage.

Often holding back urine. Urine in the bladder for a long time will breed bacteria, bacteria through the ureter retrograde to the kidney, leading to urinary tract infection and pyelonephritis. Once recurrent, can cause chronic infection, not easy to cure.

Through this article for the kidney function and the kidney for the human body as well as the key to the human body and easy to hurt the kidney of the four lifestyles introduced for the beer will hurt the kidney problem I believe we have the answer in mind, given the kidney on our body Importance, I hope everyone in the weekdays must protect their own kidneys, away from those who easily hurt the kidney way of life.


Exercice d'auto-évaluation et de la santé (e)

1, pour être poli, le travail positif, le respect pour les enseignants. Mais aussi un manque d'initiative dans l'apprentissage de l'esprit d'enquête, a investi le temps et l'effort ne suffit pas. Remarques: Bâtiment du succès de la base pratique de l'espoir dans l'avenir que vous apprenez, peuvent être plus graves, et nous nous efforçons pour plus de progrès!
Votre bonne nature, le respect pour les enseignants, l'amour du travail, préoccupé par le collectif, mais manque l'initiative d'explorer l'esprit de l'apprentissage, et ne pas avoir la patience et le courage de vos convictions, pas assez de travail pour écrire une manière ordonnée. En fait, votre cerveau intelligent n'a pas encore été pleinement développé, est une perte de votre temps est écoulé, vous pouvez faire est de saisir le jour, avec passion et les efforts douzième, et de créer un avenir meilleur pour eux-mêmes!
Pour être poli, le travail positif, le respect pour les enseignants. Mais aussi un manque d'initiative dans l'apprentissage de l'esprit d'enquête, a investi le temps et l'effort ne suffit pas. Remarques: Bâtiment du succès de la base pratique de l'espoir dans l'avenir que vous apprenez, peuvent être plus graves, et nous nous efforçons pour plus de progrès!
2, sports d'amour, de développer l'habitude de l'exercice physique, ont la capacité, certaines habiletés motrices et une forte aptitude à l'exercice de physique et un mode de vie sain.
L'amour du sport, de développer l'habitude de l'exercice physique, de remise en forme avec une capacité d'exercice, certaines habiletés motrices et physique solide, un mode de vie sain
Le désir d'apprendre et d'intérêt, peut utiliser une variété de styles d'apprentissage pour améliorer le niveau d'apprentissage, ont leurs propres résultats du processus d'apprentissage et d'apprentissage reflètent les habitudes, opération expérimentale pour compléter la physique des disciplines prescrites, la chimie et la biologie, capable de se lier à apprendre connaissance des différentes disciplines, l'utilisation de l'expérience et les compétences existantes pour analyser de façon indépendante et résoudre les problèmes, ont recherche et l'innovation préliminaire.
Dans l'éducation morale. Au cours de la dernière année, il était strict, consciemment respecter la morale sociale et des règlements, selon les « normaliser les élèves des écoles comportement quotidien » des exigences strictes sur eux-mêmes. étudier sérieusement « idéologique et politique » classe, dans l'étude leçon « de la politique », de comprendre le bien et le beau, a appris la vérité dans la vie: le respect des enseignants, unir les étudiants, la relation entre le collectif, respecter la vérité, corriger les erreurs, et consciemment résister à la superstition féodale et la pornographie impact des activités, participer sérieusement à l'école et à l'organisation de la classe de diverses activités politiques et activités culturelles et récréatives, de se rapprocher de la branche de la Ligue dans la pensée et de l'action.
3, de bonne humeur optimiste, savoir comment profiter de la vie dans l'apprentissage, vous réunissez les étudiants, avec une forte cohésion, il est aussi un ami des étudiants modèle d'apprentissage, vous respectez l'enseignant, chérissez l'amitié avec la lumière du soleil, l'humeur brillante. Je suis heureux que vous pouvez obtenir d'excellents résultats dans un enseignement supérieur à l'avenir, je crois que vous serez votre persévérance et la foi et la sueur dur pour réussir appartiennent à vous!
Participer activement à l'exercice physique, les normes forgeant corps de sport bon jeu de basket-ball, tempérée par trois années de la vie lycéenne, en termes physiques et morales, j'ai fait des progrès considérables, et se développer progressivement d'un élèves du collège ignorants de haut en enseignement « quatre » de nouvelles personnes, mais je dois bien conscients de leurs lacunes, bien que le corps forger le respect, mais nous avons encore besoin de plus d'exercice, d'améliorer les performances, l'apprentissage à l'avenir, je vais continuer à résumer l'expérience et l'avenir, afin de mieux servir la patrie
4, de bonne humeur optimiste, savoir comment profiter de la vie dans l'apprentissage, vous réunissez les étudiants, avec une forte cohésion, il est aussi un ami des étudiants modèle d'apprentissage, vous respectez l'enseignant, chérissez l'amitié avec la lumière du soleil, l'humeur brillante. Je suis heureux que vous pouvez obtenir d'excellents résultats dans un enseignement supérieur à l'avenir, je crois que vous serez votre persévérance et la foi et la sueur dur pour réussir appartiennent à vous!

Ming utilisation intelligente de votre corps n'est pas une exagération, pure et belle et vivante est vos facteurs internes. Vous aimez apprendre, respecter les enseignants, l'enthousiasme du travail de toutes les nouvelles choses pleines de curiosité, soif de connaissances pour vous d'ouvrir une vaste connaissance du monde, dans le vaste océan de connaissances, je crois que vous utiliserez le gouvernail dur sur faire la palette, l'intention de l'autre côté de la réussite!


Everyday little habits protect your kidneys

Everyday little habits protect your kidneys
Modern society people generally bear a huge work pressure, and 
daily exercise less, a lot of people will appear subdual decline 
in the body,
Kidney is one of the typical performance. Men in daily life 
should do a good job of kidney care work, pay attention to daily
diet and living habits,
This will protect your kidneys from damage. So how to protect 
the kidneys?
Here we look at what specific methods.
Kidney in daily life key:
1, more water

Drinking water can help the body to the metabolism of waste 
discharge, reduce the concentration of toxic substances in the 
Thus avoiding kidney damage.
Especially in patients with fever, because of its accelerated
 metabolism, waste and toxic substances will increase,
Therefore, more to drink more water to promote the excretion
 of waste.

2, do not use drinks instead of boiling water

  Beverages contained in the caffeine, often lead to increased
 blood pressure, and high blood pressure,
Is one of the important factors of kidney injury. Try to avoid 
drinking too much, instead of boiled water.

3, the appropriate drink beer

  If you have been suffering from kidney disease, and no 
restrictions on a large number of beer,
It will make uric acid deposition lead to renal tubular 
obstruction, resulting in kidney failure.


Sports and Health Self-evaluation (4)

Sports and Health Self-evaluation (4)
1, before I like the teacher said: eat grab a bowl, the movement back flash But after this semester, I fell in love with the sport because it could make me healthier.

2, have the desire and interest in learning, can use a variety of learning methods to improve the level of learning, have their own learning process and learning results to reflect on the habit; to complete the required physical, chemical, biological and other disciplines of experimental operation; Combined with the knowledge of different disciplines, the use of existing experience and skills, independent analysis and solve the problem; with the initial research and innovation.
Good height ratio makes him difficult to get some advantages in sports, he is also more love basketball, basketball let him experience competition, cooperation, and ultimately through their own efforts, standing on the winning podium.
Although height is not very suitable for sports, but this does not affect his movement, the interest in sports, but increased his interest. Love sports, let him have a healthy body, cheerful character.
Living in such an environment, I feel very happy, I feel that their happiness from the community, so they have to repay the community. Living in a collective, it is necessary to have a broad mind and broad mind. To make their lives more meaningful, life should have a law, there must be lofty ideals and pursuits. People living in this world will have faith, adhere to the faith can live more meaningful.

3, I think in this semester you do in sports and health is good, every time you will see you on the completion of every action, you will not be tired because of their own, physical education can always see To you in a positive conduct of various sports, I hope you in the next semester can also maintain this good habit, refueling!
The classmate, cheerful, good at being with others, helpful! Whenever people encounter difficulties and always enthusiastic to help others, we all like him. He has become an example of our learning!
Love sports, develop the habit of physical exercise, have the ability to exercise fitness, a certain athletic skills and strong physique, the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

4, your introverted, incomprehensible words, in the tension of a semester, you obviously increased the intensity of efforts, more than before the investment, but also made significant progress. But now your potential has not fully play out, you can still do better smart! My life is also a career and no boundaries. Please use your diligence and wisdom to build knowledge for their own building, liuxue86.com create a better future life!
Love sports, develop the habit of physical exercise, have the ability to exercise fitness, a certain athletic skills and strong physique, the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

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